MoMo Excellence

Certifications and Quality Control

The Morales Molding company has been certified since 1996 according to ISO standard 9001:2000, and has recently extended this certification to include ISO 14001:2004 and RSA 2024. In addition to responding to market requirements, these are necessary tools for our daily development and improvement, through which we strengthen

our commitment to society and the environment.


Technology partners

Our engineering department

Our Technical Department has all the latest project development resources, in both hardware and software. This means we can offer a comprehensive 2D and 3D design for all kinds of mouldings, with special emphasis on injection moulds and thermoplastic blow-moulding processes; as well as for any size mould, with extensive experience in medium-to-large and high complexity ones.

Constantly innovating and with the latest resources available in the market, PowerSHAPE and Pro/ENGINEER are our main tools for the 3D design of our moulds. Our computers are connected directly to the machine (CNC), using programs such as PowerMILL for the CAM process. In addition, and to support our own Department, Morales Molding makes use of an external engineering service, with professionals with extensive experience in mould design.

Regarding data and information traffic, we work with our dedicated FTP Server to ensure proper and confidential receipt of files, while strictly complying with the Data Protection Act at all times, for the peace of mind of our customers. Translation capacity and analysis of all types of industrial design files. As well as our mould design processes, we provide a part engineering consulting and support service. This is all done to offer the most comprehensive service to our customers; ready to solve their problems and meet their needs at all times.

Tool shop

Morales Molding has a vast machinery park, which includes the following:



We are placed in an automotive hub - within a 400 km radius is one of the main industrial areas in Spain and south of France.

• Zaragoza (OPEL-PSA, BSH)

• Madrid (PSA)

• Barcelona (SEAT)

• Valencia (FORD)

• Bilbao

• Pamplona (VW)

• Vitoria (Mercedes-Benz)

• Toulouse

• Perpignan

We are Mould Masters


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